Student Scientific International Conference

Through EEA Grant GenICa collaboration between Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia and the University of Iceland (BioMedical Center), members from the University of Iceland have the opportunity to attend the Student Scientific International Conference that will be held in Slovakia, Hotel Academia, Stará Lesná, High Tatras, June 19 – 21, 2024. This is a small conference with…

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GPMLS Retreat postponed

The GPMLS retreat has been postponed due school holidays falling on the same date. The retreat will be held on Thursday November 23rd instead. More information will follow.

Next workshop in bioinformatics

Workshop location: Læknagarði room 229, on October 19th at 14:00 Next workshop in Bioinformatics will focus on Nanopore sequencing and the opportunities it provides for scientists. Nanopore offers of long-range sequencing of DNA and RNA, up to 50kb, that can yield more information than the traditional short-range sequencing, and it also includes methylation modifications. During…

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Workshop in bioinformatics

Monday 11th of August at 13:30-15:30 in Lg-201 In the fall of 2023, we have scheduled four Bioinformatics workshops.The first workshop will take place on Monday, September 11th, from 13:30 to 15:30 in room 201 at Læknagarði. Introduction to the Bioinformatics Service at the BMC: Elvar Örn Jónsson and specialists from the University IT service will…

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Mini-symposium on the moral status of stem cell-derived embryo models

Over the past years, scientist have shown that mouse and human stem cells can spontanously organize in a dish into 3D structures that are becoming more and more similar to embryos. These embryo models open up scientific avenues but at the same time, many ethical questions. Mini-symposium will be held on Friday, September 15th in…

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SAVE THE DATE! October 27th GPMLS will hold it’s annual retreat. It will be held at Félagsheimili Miðgaður. More information will follow, stay tuned!

GPMLS óskar öllum gleðilegs sumars

GPMLS óskar öllum gleðilegs sumars með þökk fyrir fylgdina í vetur. Við enduðum þessari önn á fyrirlestrum með Dr. Robert Ballotti og Dr. Páli Þórðarsyni. Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur næstu önn þar sem GPMLS verður með stútfulla dagsskrá.

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